Section 1.  Classes of Membership.

A.  Regular Members.  Any person interested in the field of tropical and subtropical Nematology shall be eligible for regular membership upon payment of dues as prescribed in the Constitution.

B.  Sustaining Members.  A person or organization that contributes services or funds as prescribed by the Constitution and/or in the by-laws.

C.  Honorary Members.  A person who has made outstanding contributions to the Science of Nematology or to ONTA.  No more than three percent of the total active membership may be elected as Honorary Members, unless the Executive Committee unanimously agrees otherwise.

Section 2.  Membership Privileges

A.  Regular Members:  All members shall be entitled to vote on issues and officers, hold office, and otherwise have equal rights in the function of the Organization.

B.  Sustaining Members:  Sustaining Members will have all rights and privileges conferred upon regular members of the Organization.  For voting privileges, however, Sustaining Members must designate one person to represent them in Organization affairs.  Other privileges of Sustaining Members include having their names listed in each issue of NEMATROPICA and the ONTA NEWSLETTER.

C. Honorary Members:  Honorary Members will have the same rights and privileges as Regular Members.  Additionally, Honorary Members will not be subject to dues but will continue to receive correspondence and publications of the Organization.

Section 1.  The officers of the Organization shall be: President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer.

A.  The PRESIDENT shall act as the official representative of the Organization and preside over meetings of the Organization and Executive Committee.  The President shall appoint all committees, except the Honors and Awards Committee. He shall also appoint two members of the Executive Committee as prescribed in Article III, Section 1, and geographical representatives, and perform such other duties as may be necessary. The President shall also serve as Chairman of the ONTA FOUNDATION, Inc. Board of Directors and appoint Committee members who will provide day to day operation of the FOUNDATION.

B.  The VICE-PRESIDENT shall preside in the absence of the President.  The Vice-President shall work with the Chairman of the Local Arrangements Committee in the development of the program for each regular meeting of the Organization.

C.  The SECRETARY will keep accurate records of all Organization transactions, except those of a fiscal nature, including minutes of the Executive Committee and General Business meetings, and submit a yearly report.

D.  The TREASURER will maintain accurate records of finances and fiscal transactions of the Organization and shall present a yearly report.  The financial records shall be audited at least one month before the regular meeting by two members of the Organization, appointed by the President.

Section 2.  Election or Appointment of Officers.

A.  The Vice-President shall be elected annually and the Secretary every three years by mail ballot.  The office of President will be filled by the elevation of the Vice-President from the preceding term.  In the event that the Vice-President cannot assume the presidency, the Executive Committee shall appoint another person for the continuation of that office.  The Executive Committee is responsible for preparing a slate of candidates for the office of Vice-President and Secretary as required for the coming term.  The slate shall be composed of no less than two active members each, for Vice-President and Secretary, who have agreed to serve if elected to the respective offices.  A ballot with this slate of candidates shall be mailed to all members by the Secretary not later than twelve weeks prior to the regular meeting of ONTA.  Members shall vote for one of the candidates for Vice-President and one of the candidates for Secretary as required.  The candidates receiving the most votes for each office shall be elected.  In case of a tie, a second ballot will be sent with the names of the candidates who were tied.

B.  The Treasurer shall be appointed by a majority vote of the Executive Committee.  The Treasurer’s term of office shall be three years or mutually agreed upon by the candidate and the majority of the Executive Committee. ONTA funds shall be deposited and maintained in U.S. dollar denominated accounts in the United States or in other countries and accounts as determined appropriate by the ONTA Executive Committee.  All dues and other incoming monies including any excess monies accumulated by the Local Arrangements Committee but not used in the conduct of the regular meeting, must be submitted to the Secretary who will promptly transmit the funds to the Treasurer for deposit in the Organizational account.  Only the Treasurer can disburse funds.  The President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Editors-in-Chief of the ONTA NEWSLETTER and NEMATROPICA, and Chairman of the Honors and Awards Committee, can use Organizational funds, without prior approval, within budgetary limits set at the annual Executive Committee meeting, for the discharge of their duties.  In case of expenditures beyond the approved budget, the President shall obtain the approval of the majority of the Executive Committee before dispersal by the Treasurer.  They will, however, notify the Treasurer beforehand to determine the availability of the required funds.  All other members requiring ONTA funds must first secure the approval of the President who will consult the Treasurer.  The Treasurer is responsible for maintaining an accurate bank balance which should be reported to the Executive Committee at least once per year, or as requested by the President.

Section 3.  Terms of Office.

A.  All officers-elect shall assume the duties of their office at the end of the regular meeting of the Organization.

B.  The Vice-President shall serve for one year and the Secretary shall serve for three years.  The Vice-President may not be reelected immediately to the same office.  In case the President becomes incapacitated or the post of President becomes vacant, the Vice-President shall assume the post of President and serve the remainder of the term.  If less than one-half of the term has expired when vacated, a new Vice-President will be elected.

Section 1.  Executive Committee.

A.  The Executive Committee shall consist of the officers as defined in Article II, Section 1, and two members at large appointed by the President.  In addition, the Past President shall continue as a member of the Executive Committee for one year.  The Editor-in-Chief and Senior Editor of NEMATROPICA, the Editors of the ONTA NEWSLETTER and the Business Manager shall also serve as members of the Executive Committee.  The authority for creation of by-laws and operations manual shall reside with the Executive Committee.

Section 2.  Standing Committees.

A.  A Local Arrangements Committee Chairman will be appointed by the President and will provide a suitable place to hold the regular meeting for the exchange of scientific information and other Organizational business.  The Chairman of the Local Arrangements Committee shall prepare and issue all announcements regarding the meeting, obtain financial support, call for papers, arrange symposia, plan sessions, and other activities relating to the program.  Registration fees shall be set by the Local Arrangements Committee and a financial report shall be sent to the Treasurer in addition to residual monies.  The Local Arrangements Committee Chairman will cooperate with the Vice-President concerning the development of the program for the regular meeting.

B.  The Sustaining Membership Committee will solicit individual and institutional sustaining members of ONTA and other funds and donations as requested by the President.

C.  The Nominations Committee will propose to the Executive Committee a list of candidates for Vice-President and Secretary.

D.  The Honors and Awards Committee will be appointed by the Executive Committee and will select candidates for ONTA awards.  The candidates will be proposed to the Executive Committee for approval.

E. The Archives Committee will collect and preserve materials in the Archives of the Organization.

F. The ONTA FOUNDATION Committee will be responsible for raising funds and day-to-day operation of the FOUNDATION. Additionally, the Committee will propose operating guidelines and projects for funding to be approved by the ONTA FOUNDATION, Inc. Board of Directors.

Section 3. Committee Terms.

A. The terms of all committees shall expire at the end of each regular meeting of the Organization except as otherwise designated.


A.  Meetings of the Organization shall be held as decided by the Executive Committee.  Invitations may be presented by any member to hold the meeting of the Organization in his or her country.
B.  A regularly scheduled membership meeting shall be held during the regular meeting of the Organization. Officer and Committee Reports will be made available during this meeting. At the meeting, members shall have the opportunity to discuss and vote on matters pertinent to affairs of the Organization.
C.  Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be held during the regular meeting of the Organization. The meeting shall be regularly scheduled with advance notice given to Executive Committee members. With proper notice, those attending the meeting shall represent a quorum in which to conduct business.
D.  Any member of the Organization may submit items of business to a member of the Executive Committee for consideration by the Committee or the general membership of the Organization.


A.  The Organization shall issue journals, newsletters, and other special publications as determined by the Organization’s needs. Frequency of issue shall be determined by the Executive Committee.

B. The official journal of the Organization is NEMATROPICA. NEMATROPICA shall have an Editor-in-Chief, an Editor, Senior Editors and Associate Editors and Business Manager as prescribed in Article VI, Section 1.
C. ONTA NEWSLETTER. The Executive Committee shall appoint an Editor of the NEWSLETTER as prescribed in Article VI, Section 3.

Section 1.  NEMATROPICA.

A. The Executive Committee will appoint an Editor-in-Chief. The Editor-in-Chief shall appoint an Editor, Senior Editors and Associate Editors as necessary. In official correspondence and publications of the Organization, both the Editor-in-Chief and Editor of NEMATROPICA may be referred to as Editors.
B. The Editor-in-Chief, with the approval of the Executive Committee, shall appoint a Business Manager who is primarily responsible for financial matters involving NEMATROPICA.
C. The Editor-in-Chief shall serve for a term of three years or as mutually agreed upon with the Executive Committee.
D. The Business Manager shall serve a term of three years or as mutually agreed upon with the Editor-in-Chief.
E. The duties of the Editor-in-Chief, Editor, Senior Editors and Associate Editors and Business Manager of NEMATROPICA shall be those necessary to maintain a high quality scientific journal. An Editorial Board meeting shall be held during the regular meeting of the Organization. Each Editorial Board member shall have equal voice in matters involving publication of NEMATROPICA.

Section 2. Subscriptions and Back Issues.

A. The price of non-member subscriptions to NEMATROPICA, the price of single current issue and the price of back volumes or numbers shall be determined by the Business Manager with the approval of the Executive Committee. Requests to supply undelivered copies of NEMATROPICA must be made within 180 days from the date of issue.


A. The Executive Committee will appoint an Editor-in-Chief. The Editor may choose a Co-Editor or Associate Editors. In official correspondence and publications of the Organization, both the Editor and Co-Editor of the NEWSLETTER may be referred to as Editors.
B. The duties of the Editor shall be to publish and circulate the Organization’s NEWSLETTER which informs members of current events in ONTA, in Nematology, and related sciences.

Section 4. Special Publications.

A. The Organization may solicit and/or receive manuscripts for consideration as special publications. Acceptance for publication shall be the responsibility of the Executive Committee, who shall appoint a special committee to study feasibility and costs relating to publication.
B. The Organization shall issue such other publications, brochures, and publicity materials as approved by the Executive Committee.


A.  The Executive Committee shall have control, through its Treasurer, of the management and disbursement of the funds of the Organization as provided by Article II, Section 2.
B.  The fiscal year of the Organization begins January 1 and ends on December 31.


A.  Dues will be payable annually in advance of the start of the fiscal year. Those who have not paid their dues by January 1 shall be notified that they are in arrears and that their names will be dropped from the rolls. Previous members may be reinstated upon payment of dues.
B.  Alterations in dues rates shall be recommended by the Executive Committee and voted upon by the members present at the next regular meeting of the Organization or by ballots issued by the Executive Committee and mailed to the members.


A.  Proposals for amendments to the Constitution may be submitted to the Secretary by any member. Amendments will be presented at the next regular meeting provided that they are submitted to the Secretary at least ten weeks prior to the meeting. A copy of each proposal to amend shall be embodied in the order of business of the meeting and a copy sent by mail to every member at least eight weeks prior to the meeting at which the amendment will be presented. Amendments to the Constitution may also be presented by the Executive Committee and voted by the membership by mailed ballots.
B.  Amendments to the Constitution may be made by a two-third majority vote of the members voting at the regular meeting or consulted by mailed ballots.


A. Procedures and other items not specified in the Constitution or by action of ONTA’s regular meetings shall be decided upon by the President with the approval of the Executive Committee.


A. In the event that this Organization is dissolved for any reason, all assets remaining after payment of debts shall be distributed for exclusively educational and scientific purposes as recommended by the Executive Committee.