ONTA has grown steadily since its inception over twenty years ago. As member numbers have increased, so have the services and functions of our organization. Thus over the years, the organizational structure has become more complex, and many members are not aware of its many functions nor the responsibilities of its officers and committees.
The Operations Manual is a first attempt at defining the various functions and duties of our officers and committees and is designed to serve as a guide to the basic operations of ONTA. This instrument will need changes as ONTA further grows and evolves. For now, however, we hope it will be useful to ONTA members in creating an even more efficient and effective organization to serve worldwide nematology.
The President serves a term of one year, and assumes the responsibilities of the office at the end of the Annual Business Meeting of the Organization.
General Duties:
- Presides at the Annual Business Meeting and meetings of the Executive Committee. Prepares agendas and arranges times for the meetings.
- Represents or appoints representatives of ONTA for liaison and/or other matters of business with other organizations and groups.
- Confers regularly with Executive Committee members on needs of the Organization.
- Appoints and maintains regular contact with Committees of the Organization.
- Presides at all meetings and is present at all ONTA functions throughout the year.
- Keeps records of expenditures.
- Provides copies of all correspondence to each member of the Executive Committee. Provides complete files to the Archivist at the end of term.
- Writes a column “From the President” for the NEWSLETTER.
- Confers frequently with Local Arrangements Committee and the Vice President to assist in program development and meeting arrangements.
- Contacts Committee Chairman for annual reports to be sent to the President and Secretary prior to the Annual Meeting.
- Asks Treasurer for budget reports and appoints auditors to review records.
- Appoints Editor-in-Chief and NEWSLETTER Editor as needed with approval of the Executive Committee.
Dates and Deadlines:
Months 1-3:
- Upon assuming office, appoints Executive Committee members, other Committee Chairmen and Committee Members.
- Sends a complete listing of Committees to all Committee members of ONTA, and the NEWSLETTER Editor for publication.
- Insures that the prior years annual reports and business meeting minutes are available for publication in the NEWSLETTER and NEMATROPICA as appropriate.
- Charges Committee Chairmen with appropriate duties and activities for the year.
- Initiates dialogue with Program Chairman and Local Arrangements Committee.
- Prepares “From the President” column for inclusion in the NEWSLETTER.
Months 4-6:
- Maintains dialogue with Executive Committee members and Committee Chairmen.
- In cooperation with Local Arrangements Chairman and Vice President (Program Chairman), prepares initial outlines and discusses needs of Local Arrangements Committee.
- Insures that calls for Honors nominations are sent by the Committee Chairman.
Months 6-12:
- Calls for annual committee reports to be sent to Secretary for mailing to Executive Committee and distribution at the Annual Meeting.
- Insures that Honors and Awards candidates are notified of their election, and plaques/certificates are made.
- Prepares Executive Committee and Business Meeting Agenda and circulates for comments from Executive Committee.
- Sets dates and times of Executive Committee and Annual Business Meeting after discussion with Local Arrangements Chairman and Vice President.
- Presides at the Executive Committee meeting, business meeting and annual banquet of the Organization.
- After the annual meeting, writes Committee Chairmen and other appropriate individuals thanking them for their service to ONTA.
1. Call to Order
2. Welcome
3. Appointment of Parliamentarian
4. Appointment of Secretary – Designate if needed
5. Reading and Approval of Past Minutes:
A. Honor Deceased or Sick Members
B. Activity Report of President
C. Reports of Officers:
Business Manager
D. Reports of Standing Committees:
Sustaining Members
Honors and Awards
Local Arrangements
E. Reports of Ad Hoc and Special Committees (for example):
Constitution Revision
Operations Manual
Pre-Meeting Course
6. New Business:
A. Invitations to Host Future Meetings.
B. Other New Business.
C. Thanks to Local Arrangements Committee.
D. Installation of Elected Officers.
1. Invocation.
2. Introductions:
A. Special Guests.
B. Officers.
3. Dinner.
4. Presentation of Honors and Awards.
5. Resolutions Committee Report and presentation of appropriate gifts.
6. Special thanks by President to officers, etc., as appropriate.
7. Introduction of new President for closing comments.
The Vice-President is elected by mail ballot for a period of one year and assumes office at the end of the General Business Meeting at the Annual Meeting of the Organization.
General Responsibilities:
- Is a member of the Executive Committee, and presides at all ONTA meetings if the President is absent.
- Serves as Program Chairman for the meeting and works closely with the Local Arrangements Committee and President.
- Monitors the satisfactory operation of the Constitution and Operations Manual and recommends changes to the President and Executive Committee as necessary.
- Represents the Organization in all matters as requested by the President.
- Develops and plans in consultation with the Local Arrangements Committee all symposia, colloquia, discussions, workshops, papers and/or poster sessions for the Annual Meeting.
- Serves as Chairman of the Resolutions Committee to thank the Local Arrangements Committee and provides gifts as appropriate to members.
- Assumes other duties as requested by President.
The Secretary of the Organization is elected by mail ballot for a three-year term and may serve multiple terms in office upon mutual agreement with the Executive Committee.
General Duties:
- Assumes office at the end of the General Business Meeting at the Annual Meeting of the Organization.
- Is a member of the Executive Committee.
- Keeps the minutes of the meetings of the Executive Committee and Business Meeting and distributes the minutes to all members and the Newsletter Editor without undue delay.
- Maintains a current file of all Organization correspondence and Executive Committee records.
- Revises the “Operations Manual” of the Organization as directed by the Executive Committee.
- Forwards records to the Archivist of the Organization at least yearly.
- Keeps current and correct membership lists.
- Supplies membership lists to editors of NEMATROPICA and the NEWSLETTER, to the President, Local Arrangements Committee Chairman and other members upon request.
- Answers general correspondence relevant to the Organization.
- Keeps records of invoices and payment made by members, subscription agencies, libraries, etc.
- Receives dues and sends to Treasurer.
- Receives Committee reports and distributes at the Annual Meeting.
- Prepares ballots for election of Vice-President and Secretary as soon as possible after the Annual Meeting. (Candidates for Vice-President should send their photo and curriculum vitae to the Secretary immediately following notification and acceptance to facilitate sending the ballot to the members along with the due’s notices. If this material is received soon after the meeting, time is allowed for printing of the ballot. This mailing should be no later than December or early January).
- Counts ballots and notifies candidates and President of election results.
- Places notices at least six months ahead of time of upcoming ONTA meetings in the Society of Nematologists Newsletter, Phytopathology News, and other appropriate media.
- Provides a copy of the ONTA Operations Manual to all officers and committee chairmen.
- Prepares Secretary’s annual report.
The Organization of Nematologists of Tropical America, Inc. has 3xx members. This includes individual as well as organizational membership. Dues notices were mailed in early January of 20xx. Ballots for Vice-President were mailed at a later date, Votes were counted on October 6, 20xx. Dr. Paula Agudelo was selected Vice-President, to take office in 20xx-xx. Various other correspondence was received and replies sent when appropriate. Dues notices and ballots for the election of Vice-President will be sent in December of this year or early in 20xx. It is preferable to mail the ballot with the dues notices in order to make one mailing and save time, effort, and mailing fees. Thank you all for your cooperation in 20xx. We need members!
The XLV Annual Meeting of the Organization of Nematologists of Tropical America, Inc. was held at the Crown Plaza Holiday Inn in Santiago, Chile on October 18-23, 20xx. The Meeting opened at 4:14 pm with Dr. Parviz Jatala as President. Dr. Alejandro Ayala was appointed Parliamentarian and Dr. Manuel Canto was asked to take the minutes for Peggy King.
Dr. Jatala gave a message of thanks to the membership for their cooperation and assistance during his term in office. He gave special thanks to Prof. Adelina Valenzuela and Prof. Elena Dagnino for their help in the organization of the XLV Annual Meeting. Prof. Adelina Valenzuela gave a preliminary economic report of the meeting and Dr. Rodriquez-Kabana congratulated the local organizers. The Minutes of the Business Meeting held in Orlando, Florida in 20xx was read and approved. A motion was forwarded and approved to accept the reports of the Executive Committee as written and the Secretary’s report was read in the name of Peggy King who was absent. These reports were to be published in the ONTA NEWSLETTER and made available to all members. Dr. Jimmy Rich gave the Sustaining Members Committee report, the Honors and Awards Committee report and the ONTA Rhone-Poulenc Special Award report. Dr. Amegda Overman gave the Archives report and pointed out that very little material had been collected. A recommendation was made for the Local Arrangements Committee of past meetings, past presidents and all the membership to send material to the Archivist.
Dr. Jatala also informed that in 20xx ONTA organized the First ONTA International Course in Nematology, and it was very successful. A discussion followed concerning this Course, congratulating ONTA members, CIP and the University of Chile for the success of the Course and some suggestions were given to improve courses like these in the future. A motion was put forth and approved to organize ONTA courses for the next annual meetings, if the country in which the meeting is held, requests it. This Course must have a Local Organizing Committee and ONTA Coordinators.
There was also some discussion about the Second International Congress in Nematology. It was decided to support ONTA’s participation in this event as a co-sponsor together with the Society of Nematologists (SON) and the European Society of Nematologists (ESN). It was also confirmed that Dr. Manuel Canto and Julia Meredith will be serving as the ONTA representatives on the Governing Board of SICN.
Further meeting sites were discussed. The XLVI ONTA meeting will be held in San Jose, Costa Rica in 20xx and the 20xx meeting in Tucuman, Argentina. There was a discussion about the 20xx meeting regarding if ONTA will have two meetings in 20xx; one in Europe with the SINC and the other in some Latin American country. It was agreed that this decision should be made during the Business Meeting in Costa Rica. An official invitation was made by Dr. Ayala to meet in Puerto Rico to celebrate ONTA’s Silver Jubilee, which was approved by acclamation. A recommendation was also made for the incoming President’s to hold a future ONTA meeting in Brazil and in Spain in 20xx celebrating the fifth Century of Discovery of America.
Dr. Tarjan asked for a recommendation to be sent to the Treasurer to not delay the depositing of checks. Dr. Dickson seconded the motion and it was approved.
A question was raised about the correct writing and pronunciation of the word “nematode” in Spanish. Dr. Canto mentioned that the Royal Academy was consulted during the second Post Graduate Nematology Course in Venezuela by Dr. Oostenbrink and the answer was that the word must be “Nematodo” according to the same rules for the words “parasito, patogeno,”, etc., and that this is the most common way that Spanish countries pronounce the word. However, in the Dictionary of the Royal Academy, nematode is considered as a “grave or llana” word. Dr. Ayala proposed that the Executive Committee should contact the Royal Academy for the word to be changed in the Dictionary following the rules and common use of the word “Nematodo”. Several members seconded the motion and its was unanimously approved.
Dr. Jimmy Rich was introduced as new President of ONTA. The meeting was adjourned at 7:05 pm.
The Treasurer is appointed by a majority vote of the Executive Committee. The Treasurer’s term of office shall be three years or as mutually agreed upon by the candidate and the majority of the Executive Committee.
General Duties:
- Is a member of Executive Committee.
- Plans and invests reserve funds of the Organization in consultation with the President and Executive Committee.
- Prepares an annual budget of the Organization in consultation with and for approval by the Executive Committee. Recommends efficient and prudent fiscal management pertaining to short and long term financing of the Organization.
- Prepares an annual financial statement, obtains an audit report, and submits these to the Executive Committee, ONTA Membership and to the Editor of the ONTA Newsletter for publication.
- Has the responsibilities for general accounting, financial records and payroll.
Routine Duties:
- Accepts only checks payable in U.S. dollars.
- Records all transactions in a cash journal.
- Does not process accounts until payments are received.
- Deposits checks within one week of receipt.
- Pays debts as promptly as possible.
- Keeps paid invoices stored with their respective bank deposit receipts.
- Returns invoices as soon as requested.
- Reconciles checking account and ledger frequently.
- Maintains accurate records.
- Performs operations regularly.
Duties of the Treasurer-Elect:
Prior to assuming the office, the Treasurer has the following duties:
- Establishes a checking account and has checks printed bearing the Treasurer-elect’s name, account name, and the address of the new Treasurer’s office: “Name” of Treasurer” “Organization of Nematologists of Tropical America, Inc.” “Address”
- Obtains a “For Deposit Only” rubber stamp with account name and number for stamping checks: “For Deposit Only” “Organization of Nematologists of Tropical America, Inc.” “Checking Account Number”
The Editor-in-Chief is appointed by a majority vote of the Executive Committee for a three-year term. The individual may serve from year to year afterwards upon mutual agreement with the Executive Committee.
General Duties:
- Is a member of the Executive Committee.
- Assumes office of Editor-in-Chief (EIC) as the retiring EIC completes the December issue.
- Prepares an annual report and submits it to the Executive Committee, the membership in attendance at the annual meeting, and the Editor of ONTA Newsletter.
- Presides over the Editorial Board and selects the Senior Editor. Selects Associate Editors in consultation with the Senior Editor.
- Conducts an Editorial Board meeting at each annual meeting of the Organization.
- Notifies the President of his resignation as EIC at least one annual meeting prior to effective date of resignation (December of the following year).
- Responsible for obtaining reviews of manuscripts. a) Keeps authors informed of delays in review process. b) Thanks reviewers for their time and effort.
- Makes final decision on acceptance or rejection of manuscripts and notifies authors of decision.
- Edits manuscripts that will be acceptable upon revision and returns them to authors for revision.
- Upon acceptance of revised manuscripts, notifies author of acceptance and sends reprint request form and estimation of the length of article in final form to NEMATROPICA Business Manager.
- After completion of each issue, EIC sends reprint billings to the Business Manager.
- Serves as Technical Editor. a) Upon acceptable revision, manuscripts are prepared for the printer (i.e. copy editing). b) Copy is due at the printer by the 20th of the second month prior to the date of issue (April 20 for the June issue and October 20 for the December issue). If insufficient copy is available to print an issue (approximately 90 journal pages), the EIC must notify the printer, the Senior Editor, and Executive Committee. c) Reviews galleys, and page proofs, and prepares title pages in Spanish and English.
- May make minor changes in format, but major changes in journal style (page size, number of columns per page, color of outside cover pages, style of first outside cover page, etc.) require approval of the Executive Committee.
- The printing company for NEMATROPICA is recommended by the EIC and approved by the Executive Committee.
The new Editor-in-Chief, Greg Noel, assumed his responsibilities from the outgoing Editor-in-Chief, Robert McSorley, on January 1, 20xx. ONTA owes much gratitude to Dr. McSorley for his five years of dedicated and difficult service to the Organization. NEMATROPICA, through his very capable guidance, is a journal of which ONTA can be proud.
From July 1, 20xx to June 30, 20xx, 26 manuscripts were received for review. Six were published in Volume xx, No. 1 (June, 20xx), five will be published in Volume xx, No. 2 (December, 20xx), four were rejected, two were withdrawn, and none are in various stages of review and/or revision.
The June issue was quite late in publication because at the deadline for submitting manuscripts to the printer (April 20) only one revised manuscript had been received by the Editor-in-Chief. The wait for additional papers cost about six weeks initially and then cost additional time because of other commitments of the printer, E.O. Painter Printing Co. Volume xx, No. 1 was mailed to the membership on September 7, 20xx. The issue contained the abstracts from the meeting in Santiago, three full-length articles, four research notes, and one review article. The number of pages was 85. Some format changes were made. Among those changes were a complete key word list which will help the abstracting services with articles published in NEMATROPICA. Complete journal titles rather than abstracted titles are now included under Literature Cited. This should help both English and Spanish speakers find articles cited in the journal. The December issue is expected to be on time and will contain at least eight articles. This issue will include one review article, six full-length papers, and one research note.
As of the date of this report (October 7), a total of 37 manuscripts have been received for publication in NEMATROPICA since January 1, 20xx. This number is higher than in past years. Fourteen of these manuscripts have been received since July 1.
Dr. Jorge Pinochet completed his second year as Senior Editor with his primary responsibilities being manuscripts submitted in Spanish. Even with Jorge’s move to Spain and efforts as Vice-President of ONTA, he has continued to do an excellent job for those who desire to publish in Spanish.
I wish to thank the Associate Editors and Ad Hoc reviewers for their time and commitment to ONTA and to NEMATROPICA. Ad hoc reviewers were: N. Acosta, K. Barker, E. Bernard, R. L. Bernard, E. Caswell, E. Davis, J. Eisenback, D. Glawe, G. Fassuliotis, B. Fortnum, C.M. Heald, D. Kaplan, M.A. McClure, E.C. McGawley, R. McSorley, T. Melton, H. Mojtahedi, J. Mueller, D.C. Norton, J. Pataky, R. Rodriquez-Kabana, D.P. Schmitt, G. Sydenham, T. Todd, B. Westerdahl, J. Willut, and G. Windham.
Respectfully submitted,
The Business Manager is appointed by the NEMATROPICA Editor-in-Chief with approval of the Executive Committee. Length of the term is at the mutual discretion of the Editor and Business Manager.
General Duties:
- Upon the biannual issuance of NEMATROPICA, the Business Manager will prepare bills to be sent to authors for page charges and costs of reprints.
- The Business Manager will keep accurate records of payments and outstanding obligations for page charges and reprint costs.
- Upon receipt of payment, the Business Manager will forward these to the ONTA Treasurer.
NOTE: This position does not have access to general ONTA funds. Any member wishing to utilize ONTA funds must first obtain approval from the President who will notify the ONTA Treasurer.
I reported in the 20xx-20xx report that there was one outstanding bill for printing charges for NEMATROPICA Vol. xx, No. 2 in the amount of $163.00. All efforts to collect on this bill have failed and it appears at this time that ONTA will have to absorb this cost. Printing charges for this issue totaled $4,958.39. Payment recovery for this issue totaled $3,406.00. This issue cost OTAN $1,552.39.
Figures for printing charges and expected payment recovery for NEMATROPICA Vol. 17, No. 1 were given in the last Annual Report. All bills for that issue were paid and the figures given were correct.
Total printing charges for NEMATROPICA Vol. xx, No. 2 amounted to $4,026.07. Bills were mailed to all authors and all have been paid in a satisfactory manner resulting in a payment recovery of $3,120.00. This issue thus cost ONTA $906.07.
Total printing charges for NEMATROPICA Vol. xx, No. 1 amounted to $2,934.65. All bills for papers in this issue have been mailed to the authors. Assuming we collect all these bills, it will result in a payment recovery of $1,448.00. This issue will have thus cost ONTA $1,486.65. Abstracts of papers presented at the XLV Annual Meeting at Santiago, Chile October 18-23, 20xx were published in this issue totaling 24 pages, the cost of which was absorbed by ONTA.
Business Manager
The Editor is appointed by a majority vote of the Executive Committee for a three-year term. The individual may serve from year to year afterwards upon mutual agreement with the Executive Committee.
General Duties:
- Assumes Editorship of the ONTA Newsletter at the end of the Annual Business Meeting of the Organization.
- Member of the Executive Committee.
- Appoints Co-Editor, Associate Editors, country delegates and correspondents as needed.
Routine Duties:
- Establishes the general editorial and publication policies for the ONTA Newsletter while maintaining the traditional quality and humorous flavor of the ONTA Newsletter.
- Determines the items to be included in individual newsletters, keeps members of the Organization aware of current events in the Science of Nematology, such as news and travel, new books, coming events, etc.
- Requests of the Executive Committee for annual funds for publications and mailing costs of the ONTA Newsletter. The Editor is responsible for the administration of these funds.
- Prepares and submits an Annual Report including expenditures and fund balance to the Executive Committee.
- Publishes reports of the Annual Business meeting, Executive, Permanent, and Ad Hoc Committees.
- Publishes at least one issue of the Newsletter per year and mails to the membership at least two months before the annual meeting of the Organization.
From July, 20xx to October, 20xx, one volume of the ONTA NEWSLETTER was published. Vol. 20(1) was published and sent to the membership in May, 20xx. This volume included the list of the Executive Committee and other committees of ONTA, the Minutes of the Business Meeting in Orlando, Florida – 20xx, the Executive Committee Members Reports for 20xx, new positions available, news and travel, coming events, information about nematologists in Florida, new books, let’s know our new President, and the membership application form.
We are very grateful to the Nematology and Entomology Department of the International Potato Center for financing partially the printing cost of Vol. 20(1) and to everyone who helped us in preparing this NEWSLETTER volume.
Purpose: To provide general governance for ONTA in matters pertaining to the annual meeting, budgets, and other needs of the Organization. The Executive Committee sets policy within the framework of the ONTA Constitution.
Committee Members: The President of ONTA serves of Chairman of the Executive Committee and committee members include the immediate Past President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Business Manager and Editors of the NEWSLETTER and NEMATROPICA. Additionally, two at-large members are appointed by the President.
General Duties:
- The Executive Committee meets at the Annual Meeting of the Organization.
- Approves Business Meeting agenda and suggests additional items as needed.
- Approves nominees for election to offices in the Organization.
- Approves nominees for Honors and Awards presented by the Organization.
- Approves, upon the recommendations of the President, Editors for NEMATROPICA and the NEWSLETTER.
- Initially discusses and suggests meeting sites for future membership meetings for presentation at the Annual Business Meeting.
- Approves for presentation at the Business Meeting, major projects of the Organization such as participation in International Congresses, publication of books, etc.
- Serves as liaison with the President to insure proper functioning of the Organization.
November 6, 20xx
Present at meeting: Jimmy Rich, President; Jorge Pinochet, Vice-President; Jenny Escobar; Greg Noel; Manuel Canto; R. Rodriguez-Kabana; Adrian Figueroa; and Charles Heald.
President Rich opened the meeting and requested discussion on three concerns: (1) Operations Manual; (2) Constitutional changes; and (3) ONTA Foundation. He asked that the minutes of the last meeting be approved as published in the NEWSLETTER. They were so approved after discussion of the correct spelling of “Royal”. There was a discussion of the spelling of “Nematoda” without the accent. It was decided to leave it off with a motion from Jorge Pinochet to do so and a second by Greg Noel. Motion passed. Jorge Pinochet and others discussed the use of larvae and juvenile in the journal. It was decided to bring this concern to the attention of the members at the Annual Business Meeting. Adrian Figueroa reported that approximately 70 people preregistered. Forty papers and 10 symposia were to be presented. He spoke of minor problems of organizing the Annual Meeting. It was agreed that ONTA would advance $1,000.00 to the Organizational Committee to be paid back after the meeting. Committee reports were discussed next. Generally the Society appears to be in good shape. Policy was discussed on journal articles not paid for by authors. Editor-in-chief was advised to reject papers not fit for publication before sending for review. Jorge Pinochet requested that additional editors from other countries be appointed. It was agreed that this would help expand the distribution of the journal and bring in additional manuscripts. President Rich discussed the idea of forming an ONTA Foundation. Manuel Canto moved that ONTA appoint a committee to investigate this. Seconded by Jorge Pinochet and motion passed. Vice-President Pinochet will appoint committee. Jorge Pinochet introduced the idea of ONTA producing a Tropical Nematology slide set. It was agreed this was a good way to make money and fill a definite need for members. R. Rodriquez-Kabana will have an example at the next Annual Meeting for the Executive Committee to observe. Jimmy Rich stated that we must find a new Archivist and place to store the Archives. The matter was discussed but no decision was made. Honors and Awards Committee function was discussed. Several problems should be resolved with the revision of the constitution which is now in process. Four awards will continue to be given but no more. The Rhone-Poulenc award will be decided by the Honors and Awards Committee. Jenny Escobar moved that this year’s awards be given to Julia Meredith and Robert McSorley. A special tribute will be given to Al Taylor and Michel Oostenbrink. Greg Noel seconded the motion and it passed. The appointment of regional rather than country representatives was discussed and it was decided that regional appointments would be made beginning with President Pinochet. Manuel Canto reported on the progress of the Second International Congress of Nematology to be held in Veldhoven, Holland. The date is August 11-18, 20xx and the other information will be reported in the NEWSLETTER. Manuel Canto reported that the ONTA Constitution is under revision and the Executive Committee will meet November 8, 20xx at 5:30 to study a revision and suggest further changes. Manuel Canto announced the formation of a Nematological Society in Peru to be initiated in the coming week. He requested that President Rich attend the Society formation.
Secretary-Executive Committee
Purpose: To assure that outstanding and dedicated members are recognized for their work in improving ONTA and/or the Science of Nematology.
Committee Members: Committee members are appointed annually by the Executive Committee. The Committee is composed of a Chairman and 4 other members. The Committee members should be selected from widely diverse geographical areas to insure appropriate recognition of outstanding individuals.
ONTA Awards: The following awards have been established by ONTA.
Honorary Member: This is the highest award that may be given an individual by ONTA. To receive the award, a person must have made long and outstanding contributions to the Organization, the Science of Nematology or both. Only one Honorary Member should be chosen during any one year to maintain the integrity of this award.
Distinguished Service Award: This award is reserved for presentation to members who have made outstanding contributions to ONTA. Years of dedicated service and types of service to ONTA should be considered when bestowing this award upon a member. This award is not required to be given each year but only when appropriate.
Rhone-Poulenc Award: The Rhone-Poulenc Award is presented annually to any active ONTA member who has made outstanding contributions to the Science of Nematology. The award is given with particular attention paid to research produced that has a major impact on managing plant parasitic nematodes.
Special Award: This award is presented only intermittently to the following classes of individuals: 1) those who have worked in Nematology even under conditions of extreme hardship; 2) those individuals who have provided outstanding services to ONTA (e.g. Treasurer, Secretary, etc.); and 3) other outstanding accomplishments as deemed from time to time appropriate by the Committee.
Past President’s Award: This award is presented annually to the immediate past president for meritorious service to ONTA. The award is presented automatically unless otherwise determined by the Executive Committee.
Awardee(s): Recognition is the main privilege that is intrinsic to all ONTA awards. Honorary Members receive plaques and are recognized with an ONTA life membership. The Rhone-Poulenc awardee receives a plaque and a cash award. Plaques are presented to other awardee(s).
Committee Duties: The Chairman will send a call for nominations to the Secretary for inclusion in the ONTA mail ballot and also for publication in the ONTA NEWSLETTER. Additionally, a letter requesting nominations should be sent to the ONTA Executive Committee and Geographical Representatives. These activities should take place immediately after the general meeting. A list of nominees will be forwarded by the Chairman for voting to members of Honors and Awards Committee with final approval by the Executive Committee. Upon Executive Committee approval, the Chairman shall insure the Secretary, President and NEWSLETTER Editor receives biographical sketches of each nominee.
Awards Presentations: The Chairman should insure that all plaques are made prior to the Annual Meeting. Presentation of the awards shall be handled by the Committee Chairman or a designee at the Annual Meeting Banquet in cooperation with the President and Rhone-Poulenc Representative.
Committee Report: Prior to or at the regular meeting, the Chairman shall present the Secretary and NEWSLETTER Editor a final committee report. This report should include biographical sketches of the awardee(s) for publication in the NEWSLETTER.
Please list the names of candidates whom you would like to propose for the ONTA Awards. Specify also the qualifications of the candidates proposed for the nomination. Add any documentation that you consider useful in supporting their nomination.
Honorary Member………………………
Distinguished Service Award……….
Rhone-Poulenc Award………………..
Special Award…………………………..
*Please propose only one candidate for each award.
Return by June 1 to:
Purpose: To assure qualified individuals are nominated from the ONTA membership for offices of Vice-President and Secretary.
Committee Members: Committee members are appointed annually by the President. The Committee is composed of a Chairman and two or more members.
Committee Duties: The Chairman will issue a call for nominations for publication in the ONTA NEWSLETTER. Additionally, a letter requesting nominations will be sent to the ONTA Executive Committee and Geographical Representatives. These activities should take place during or immediately after the general meeting. The Chairman will then be responsible to insure that nominees will accept the respective positions if elected. A list of nominees will be forwarded by the Chairman to members of Nominating Committee with copies to the Executive Committee. The Chairman shall insure the Secretary receives biographical sketches and photographs of each nominee at/or immediately after the Annual Meeting.
Committee Report: Prior to or at the Regular Meeting, the Chairman shall present the President, Secretary and NEWSLETTER Editor a final committee report.
Purpose: The Archives function as a continuing and permanent repository for documents and information that reflects the growth, development and history of the Organization of Nematologists of Tropical America, Inc. The Archives serves as a reference source and library for information and material as needed.
Committee Members: Committee members are appointed annually by the President, but generally serves continuously upon mutual agreement between the President and Archivist.
Committee Duties: Any material submitted to the Archives should be pre-screened by the sender. Only significant papers, biographies, anecdotes, photographs, etc., should be sent for permanent storage. It is the responsibility of the members of this committee to delete from their records and correspondence any papers not pertinent to the history of ONTA. The Archives should contain: All ONTA NEWSLETTERS, all NEMATROPICA’S, all Membership Directories, photographs, biographies, Committee Reports, Annual Meeting Literature, History of ONTA – updated periodically, and List of ONTA Awardee(s).
Duties of Chairman: The Archivist shall submit an Annual Report to the current President and Secretary. The Chairman, when term of office is completed, shall present to the new Chairman all records and memorabilia which have been submitted to the Archives for storage.
Very little material has been submitted during the past year to the Archives. Julia Meredith recently added some posters celebrating the Annual Meetings in Panama and Chile.
Members must be aware that the history of ONTA will be of interest to our colleagues of the future. The only way younger nematologists can appreciate you is by your leaving in the Archives some record of your activity in ONTA.
So, please look through your files and souvenirs and send letters and announcements of historical importance, photographs, and 35 mm slides of nematologists and places visited and send them to the Archivist.
Purpose: To obtain financial support of ONTA through companies and individuals interested in supporting the goals and needs of Nematology and ONTA.
Committee Members: Committee members are appointed annually by the President. The Committee is composed of a Chairman and usually has two-three other members. The Committee members are each assigned geographical areas from which to solicit for Sustaining Members. The areas are usually: 1) North America; 2) Central America; 3) South America; and 4) Europe.
Sustaining Member Dues: A set dues structure has been established with requests to donors for a minimum of $250 per year or the equivalent of inkind services or donations.
Sustaining Member Privileges: Sustaining Members will be placed on the ONTA mailing list to receive all communications normally sent to individual ONTA members. In addition, a subscription to NEMATROPICA and the ONTA NEWSLETTER will be included at no additional charge.
Solicitation Timetable: Letters should be sent approximately four months prior to the Annual ONTA Meeting. ONTA stationary may be obtained from the Secretary. Attached are sample letters one may send current and prospective members.
Funds Dispensation: Checks received by the Sustaining Member Committee will be sent to the Treasurer of ONTA for deposit. A letter of acknowledgment and thanks should be sent to donor, with a copy to the ONTA President and Secretary.
Committee Report: An interim Sustaining Member Committee Report should be mailed to the President and Secretary prior to the Annual Meeting. The Secretary will make the report available at the Annual Business Meeting. As a rule, this report will be interim and the final report should be prepared within two months after the Annual Meeting. Also, included in this report would be companies and individuals who made substantial financial contributions to the Local Arrangements Committee. These companies and individuals are also listed as Sustaining Members. The final report should be sent to the Secretary, NEWSLETTER Editor, and Editor of NEMATROPICA.
Dear Sir/Madam:
As Chairman of the Sustaining Members Committee of the Organization of Nematologists of Tropical America, Inc. (ONTA), I extend to your company an invitation to support ONTA as a Sustaining Member for 1988-89. Sustaining Members of ONTA are acknowledged in our journal, NEMATROPICA, and in the ONTA NEWSLETTER. Of course, as a Sustaining Member you will receive these publications and any other official mailing from ONTA. We would also like to extend an invitation to attend the Annual Meeting to be held 7-11 November in San Jose, Costa Rica. The program will be of interest to all who are involved in food production and pest management in the tropics.
ONTA provides a vital and unique forum to its membership. It is the only international organ for communication among the many members from tropical countries. The very serious nematode problems that these countries face makes dissemination of information and exchange of ideas critical to development of management programs. Your support is essential to the continued success of ONTA. Sustaining membership in ONTA is generally $250, but is certainly not limited to that.
Thank you for your consideration of this important matter. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.
ONTA Sustaining Members Committee
Purpose: To assure that ONTA members worldwide have a voice and equal chance to participate in activities of the Organization.
Committee Members: Committee members are appointed annually by the President. The President of ONTA serves as Chairman and the number of committee members is usually seven. Each committee member shall represent a geographical area of the world including: North America, Central America and South America. Other committee members may be chosen to represent other areas of the world as deemed appropriate by the President.
Committee Duties: The committee members are charged with: 1) maintaining open lines of communication with the President and Executive Committee on matters affecting operation of ONTA, 2) representing concerns and/or problems of their fellow ONTA members to the leadership of the Organization, 3) developing membership growth for ONTA, 4) nominating deserving individuals for OTAN/ONTA Honors and Awards, and 5) maintaining a positive image for ONTA, its goals and objectives.
Committee Report: No formal committee report is required but needs as expressed by committee members should be appropriately directed for resolution by the President.
Purpose: To provide physical facilities, financial, and all other arrangements for a comfortable and productive Annual Meeting.
Duties of the Chairman: The first duties should include meeting site selection and appointment of support members. Consider transportation, comfort, pleasant surroundings, facilities, size of meeting rooms and other special events. If possible, compare several hotels and request bids. Determine whether extra charges are applied to use of meeting rooms. Consider size of rooms for guests and the sound-proofing for meeting rooms. Check the availability of halls or lobbies for displays. The most important consideration should be given to the size and location of meeting rooms. Determine whether one guest room is provided per each 50 rooms reserved by attendees.
Subcommittees Appointments: The following is a partial list of subcommittee programs that the Local Arrangements Chairman should consider appointing. Finance is the most important item and should be given full and early attention by the Local Arrangements ComitteeChairman. Determine whether the hotel provides audiovisual equipment free of charge.
Registration and Housing
Equipment and Timing of Paper Sessions
Banquet and Entertainment
Tours and Special Events (Agricultural Tours and Spouse’s Program)
Public Relations
Special Visitors and Guests
Industry and Extension Activities
Special Flower Arrangements – Banquet, Opening Ceremony, etc.
Art Work, Banners
Fruit or Flower Baskets
Other Special Activities
Contributions: Begin the solicitation of funds at least one full year ahead (Industry generally develops budgets one year in advance). Prepare letters stating purpose, amount of support needed, and what activity monies will be used for. Ask for a specific amount. Base solicitations on the ability of the contributors to contribute. Prepare original, personal letters and hand sign each one. Do not use photocopied letters. Invite contributors to participate in the meeting. Acknowledge contributors immediately after receiving contribution and again following the meeting (request the President acknowledge contribution by a personal letter).
ACTUAL MEETING BUDGET* Items to Consider Estimated Price Firm Price
Postage, Advance Mailings
Art Work, Posters, Paint
Registration Folder
Local Transportation
Host and Officer Ribbons
Program and Banquet Program Printing
Coffee Breaks
Secretarial Help
Bank Charges
Child care Service
Free Registration for Special Guests
Flowers for Banquet
SPECIAL EVENT BUDGET* Items to Consider Estimated Price Firm Price
Special Events and Socials
Banquet Entertainment
Special Hour (pre-banquet)
Banquet (wine)
Spouse Luncheon
*The cost of these items should either be paid from a contribution fund or be charged directly to participants. They should not be a part of the Registration.
Determine Special Activities:
Special Breakfast (date, time, number and cost)
Committee meeting rooms/time
Banquet (menu, entertainment, cost, time)
Special Activities (spouse or agricultural tours, attractions, special nematode problems, golfing, fishing, sightseeing)
A. Determine location, menu and entertainment for banquet
B. Determine time and place of committee meetings, paper sessions, registration and hospitality rooms.
C. Submit size of meeting rooms to Program Chairman well in advance of meeting date (6 months). Generally, for every 50 rooms reserved by members of ONTA, one room is given free. The first room should be provided to the President at no cost. If two rooms are free, the second should go to the Chairman, Local Arrangements Committee and a third to the Vice-President.
D. Order coffee, orange juice, coke, water and donuts for the Executive Board Meetings.
Local Arrangements Committee prepares and handles mailing and funding of the pre-registration form. Request membership labels from Secretary 2 months prior to mailing. Include phrase “Members and Others Participating in the Annual Meeting of the Organization of Nematologists of Tropical America, Inc. are Required to Register”. First mailing to participants should be at least 6 months prior to date of meeting.
Use separate bank accounts for contributions and registration/activities fees.
Submit statement on receipts and disbursements to President as soon as possible after meeting.
(Do not include contributions, budget separately)
Late Regular
Banquet and Spouses (Other Activities)
Tours or Special Events
Exhibit Fees
Program and Abstracts
Coffee Breaks
Registration Folder
Banquet Dinner, Guest, Gratuity
Award Plaques
Special Tours
Photo Service
Donations from Industry
Banquet Entertainment
Social Hours
Special Socials
Subsidy of Transportation
Spouse’s Program
Other Activities